Sunday 15 January 2012

How to Get Rid of a UTI - Treating UTI Naturally

If you would like to know how to get rid of a UTI, there are many home remedies which you can use. Indeed, treating a UTI naturally is becoming known to be a very effective and fast way of eradicating this painful condition.

Most people now accept that treating all manner of conditions naturally is often better than using antibiotics or over the counter remedies which can be very expensive and often not very effective. Antibiotics work by killing off all types of bacteria and cannot distinguish between the beneficial types and the bad types which can cause infection-both of which are naturally present within the human body. This means that the natural balance of the body can be upset. This can cause other conditions such as yeast infections and digestive problems as a direct result of taking antibiotics. In addition as we as a population become more and more reliant on antibiotics, doctors are finding that they are needing to prescribe stronger antibiotics as diseases are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics.

Many alternative practitioners are now advocating ways of treating UTI naturally and many give advice on how to get rid of a UTI. These methods are often common sense approaches but nevertheless can help to give some symptomatic relief and can even help to cure milder infections.

* Drink plenty of water-around 6-8 glasses daily is ideal

* Try 2 glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice daily

* Place a heated pad or hot water bottle on the abdomen

* Avoid drinking tea, coffee or alcohol

* Wear only cotton panties

* Do not wear tight trousers or pantyhose

* Avoid using perfumed products around the vaginal area

* Take a daily vitamin C tablet to help strengthen the immune system

* Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables

* Try eating a pot of live natural yogurt daily

* Avoid products with a high sugar content as sugar can fuel the growth of bacteria

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