Sunday 28 August 2011

Q&A Part 22

Shabamboooh 1. How do you feel about women who formula feed? RiMiFoster 2. i know i'm late, but i haven't been on in awhile. i love your channel. your videos have been so helpful to me. i was wondering where you go for j & k's monthly portraits? they are so adorable. kaylalee2 3. Sorry if I'm too late, but I was curious what brand of cloth diapers do you use and what made you decide to go that route? Are they a pain in the butt?? Oh geez...I had another one, but I forgot, so I'll ask you later! Okay, so I remembered my other question....What brand is your carrier?? Is it expensive and is it worth it? DisneyChannelPerson 4. This might be late, but i just was wondering if you and/or joel had any tattoos? if so, how many and what do they resemble? christakay8 5. Ok, this might seem way off subject here, but what ever happen with your ridiculous landlord rizwan??

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