Do you want to be hidden? Trying to blend in with your surroundings? Camouflage fabrics are the just the thing.
There are many different types of Camouflage fabrics on the market today. Some are heavy duty camo material for hunters and fisherman. There are patterns for the military men and women serving our country at home and abroad. There are cotton Camouflage fabrics in many different colors for the sewer and quilter alike.
There is a new Camouflage fabric on the market called Nature-Rised and it is a special fabric created by adding natural shapes from nature to the fabric. These special textures refract the light, thus breaking up reflection and stopping glare and shine, making your camo work for you, not against you! Unlike many of the slick , smooth, shiny fabrics on the market, this fabric helps you become a part of the woods, not a large shiny object. Many other fabrics are made only in one or two steps, the new Nature-Rised fabric is made of 8 layers and procedure, each having a special function to create the ultimate hunting fabric. It is burr proof and won't snag or grab the brush. It is soft and quiet. It is tough and comfortable, strong and wind-proof, water-repellent. It won't fade or shine. What this means to the hunter is more successful hunts! When the folks at Nature-Rised set out to make the ultimate Camouflage, they quickly realized that there were only so many ways you could arrange sticks, trees, leaves, trees and limbs. So they decided that in order to make a better Camouflage, they had to make a better fabric.
Through years of working in textiles and personal experiences in the field, they noticed that there were many problems with fabrics that were being used in the manufacture of camo clothing. For instance, some fabrics faded quickly, some attracted debris, such as burrs and beggar lice. Some grabbed everything it came in contact with and some were noisy and stiff. In addition, many of the fabrics were not very durable, some had little if any resistance to weather and if it did, it was very hot and not breathable. Last, but not least, the problem with most of the fabrics had a tendency to shine and glare from reflected light. So they turned their attention to the development of a fabric that would far surpass anything on the market today. The innovative Camouflage fabric called Nature-Rised is the next generation of Camouflage.
So if you are looking to be discreet, in the woods, on the battlefield or on the lake, look for a quality Camouflage fabric. It does make a difference what you wear. If you are looking for fabrics to decorate with or to wear for fun , many colors of Camouflage are available, even blues and pinks for the young at heart. Bandanas are popular in Camouflage patterns for dress up for young children. Costumes for birthday parties are fun in the bright faux camo patterns also. Choose your level of Camouflage!
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