PART ONE... you're at it. PART TWO PART THREE Oh, DISCLAIMER: I do not in any way own any part of the song, Miserable at Best, I don't intend to distribute, sell, or any other way of giving out the song. This song is owned by it's rightful owners, Mayday Parade. btw, the song is Miserable at Best - Mayday Parade. Yay! Here's my article now.... Eggs to a bag of flour, water balloons to a baby simulator, or in other words a robot. See, our parents had it easy, with all that non-technical stuff, they didnt have to deal with a fake baby crying at night, all they had to do was to protect their oh so precious $.50 egg from cracking, or their $2 bag of flour from breaking, or their $.02 water balloon from leaking. The egg, flour, and water balloons as babies, oh Im positive those things cried at night just as this baby simulator did. Sure, maybe the idea of a baby simulator sounds amusing, but once you actually get one, its full of stressful, annoying events. Im sure most of the students here at GHS have seen students from Child Development carrying around car seats with fake babies in them. Just like Im sure many have asked if they could punch, kick, or harm the baby to make it cry, just to hear it. Theres really no different in this robot babys cry or an actual babys cry, so there is no need for anyone to ask such a thing. The baby simulator is pretty much a robot baby. There are different ethnicities and genders which students may choose from ...
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