Friday, 30 March 2012

Toga! Toga! Diaper! Burkah!

On the one hand we have Pat Condell who looks at the Burkah as an instrument of oppression and who wants to have the whole thing banned, in his fervour to stop ONE form of oppression proposing a solution that denies freedom of expression to those who, whether we find that hard to believe or not, would freely choose to wear that piece of clothing. It is not up to us to deem somebody unworthy of availing of a right because of the fact that we cannot respect the choices they would make if they were to use it. On the other we have people who don't believe in banning anything who want to not interfere at all, and who, in their pious devotion to laissez faire, turn a blind eye to fanatical Muslims, through coercion, pressure and threats, taking women's freedom to wear what they wish away. The way I see it, both suggestions will limit SOMEBODY's freedom of expression, and they are both, therefore unacceptable. But in true rozeboosje fashion, I'm not proposing a compromise. I'm proposing an entirely different take on things. One that, I think, will guarantee everybody's freedom of expression. That of those who wish to express their devotion to Islam by wearing this traditional piece of clothing as well as that of those who wish to express themselves differently and leave such traditions behind.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Mom and Baby at 14 Weeks Pregnant


During this first week of your second trimester, your baby is growing quite fast. He/she is around 3.4 inches from crown to rump (the top of your baby's head to his bottom) and weighs almost 1.5 ounces. That's pretty remarkable, considering that your baby was only 3 inches long last week.

Your baby continues to grow at a remarkable rate in the second trimester. In fact, did you know that by 19 weeks, your baby will have doubled his/her size? At 14 weeks pregnant, your baby's head is larger than the rest of his/her body. It actually accounts for half of your baby's total length. Not to worry, though. His/her body will soon catch up. Your little one's facial features are becoming more defined this week. The baby's eyes and ears are moving to their final positions, and his/her eyebrows are also growing. During pregnancy week 14, your baby's neck is elongating and his/her chin is starting rise up off the chest. The yolk sac that provided your baby's source of nourishment in the first trimester is almost completely gone, and your little one now gets everything he/she needs from the placenta.

Fun Fact:
Your baby can now pee! By 14 weeks, your little one's bladder empties every 30 minutes. Since your baby is constantly swallowing amniotic fluid (which gets filtered out through his/her kidneys), passing urine is a fact of life for him/her.


Now that you're in your second trimester, you may start to notice that some of the annoying pregnancy symptoms that you experienced in the first 13 weeks have disappeared, such as your morning sickness and fatigue. Since you have more energy in the second trimester, you may want to travel or take a vacation while you can. (Fatigue will come back to haunt you in the final leg of your pregnancy.)

Although you will feel much better in the second trimester, you may start to experience new pregnancy symptoms. Common complaints that pregnant women in the second trimester have include water retention, gas, heartburn, and backaches.

As you get larger in your pregnancy, you should expect backaches. Over 50 percent of all women experience back pain at some point during pregnancy. They are due to the extra strain that your growing uterus places on your back muscles. You may feel lower back pain when you're standing, sitting, or even when you're in bed.

Another very common symptom to expect at 14 weeks pregnant is gas. Pregnant women are often more "gassy" than their non-pregnant counterparts. Gas during pregnancy is caused by the elevated levels of the hormone progesterone in your body. Progesterone actual relaxes your gastrointestinal tract and slows down your digestive processes. So expect to experience more gas, bloating, and flatulence during pregnancy.

Fun Fact:
At 14 weeks pregnant, your doctor can now feel the top of your uterus (called the "fundus"). From this point onward, your doctor will feel the fundus at every prenatal visit to make sure that your baby is growing properly.


Back Pain During Pregnancy

In the second trimester, as you continue to pack on the pounds and your uterus grows larger, you will experience backaches to some degree. (Depending on your pain tolerance, you may feel more pain than the next woman.) Back pain during pregnancy is very common, and it's no wonder. Your uterus can expand as much as 1,000 times its original size by the time your baby is born!

There are many reasons for back pain or backaches during pregnancy. In some cases, it's caused by the extra weight of uterus placing strain on your muscles and adding stress to your joints. That's why your back may feel achier at the end of the day. In some cases, your expanding uterus may press on a nerve and this causes discomfort. If you have weak abdominal muscles, this can also cause pain in your lower back.

Although backaches are uncomfortable and often an unchangeable pregnancy symptom, you may be able to ease your pain by following these tips:

Wear low-heeled shoes that have good arch support. (Not flats) Do not lift heavy objects, if possible. Ask someone to do heavy lifting for you. If you have to stand for long periods of time, you should keep one foot elevated on a stool or box. Sleep on a firm mattress. If your bed is too soft, have your husband/partner or friend place a board between the box spring and mattress. If you need to pick something up off the ground, do not bend from the waist. Instead, you should squat down and bend your knees. Sleep on your side with a pregnancy pillow, or a support pillow, between your legs. When you're sitting down, make sure that the chair has good back support. You may want to place a pillow behind your lower back for extra support.

Back pain should never be severe, as this can indicate a problem. Call your doctor if you have severe pain or pain that lasts longer than two weeks. Sometimes, back pain is a sign of pregnancy complications, especially if it's accompanied with fever, burning when you urinate, or vaginal bleeding.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Videos show attacks on disabled women

Video link: At least 10 sexually assaulted at various locations. LOS ANGELES — Graphic video footage obtained by the sheriff's department shows several men sexually assaulting at least 10 profoundly disabled women, some of them in diapers.

Monday, 19 March 2012

diaper changing game

dennis n dee in the diaper changing game.. never leave men alone to change diapers

Friday, 16 March 2012

Sush babes caught in diaper ha ha...

Sush's Diaper

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Cute Teen Diaper : Review - Abri Form2

My first review : Abri Form Size S4 - M4. Great diapers, M4 are most people's favorite. Not mine, really. They run a little too big on me and they're not the most comfy :/

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Hot Girls In Diapers Video

Video of Hot Girls In Diapers

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Health Benefits Of Baking Soda

When I met my long lost friend at a health seminar recently, I could not help but notice his weird glances at my hair when we were briefly greeting each other. His glances were discomforting. It was as if he was saying, "Is that a toupee you are wearing?"

The story goes back to our college days. Years in college majoring in the same subject and going to the same classes together had made him notice the poor health condition of my hair and scalp. To my close friends, I was a perfect candidate for a future toupee wearer.

I used to have a lot of sebum discharge -- and dandruff would be falling like December snow. I had no choice but to shampoo my hair twice a day every single day. Right after shower the scalp would feel good and healthy. But it did not take long before it began to itch again.

On top of that there was another problem. My hair was also thinning. I was losing a lot of hair everyday -- something that should not be happening for someone so young.

So when that old friend of mine gave a look of disbelief to see there was still a lot of hair on top of my head after all these years, it somehow made me proud -- but I kept my cool.

A Health Care Tip

After years of repeating the same mistake of washing my hair with chemical-loaded shampoos, it finally dawned on me that it was the chemicals that were to blame for triggering dandruff and sebum discharge on my scalp.

Nowadays I have a better alternative. I no longer use shampoo. I would pour instead a canister of baking soda solution on top of my head letting the liquid flow down to other parts of the body. Then I would take my shower.

Showering has never been the same ever since. Nowadays I feel so fresh after a shower. No more sticky or oily deposit on the skin. The phrase that goes -- as clean as a whistle -- has begun to gather meaning.

You see I have sensitive skin. My skin reacts quickly to certain chemicals. It interprets the chemicals as dangerous bacteria. Consequently the skin would produce its defense substance just underneath the skin near that place.

If this substance exists in a large quantity it could pose a health problem. It could cause itchiness. Worse than that, it could attack my skin from underneath causing eczema. For years the substance has successfully ruined the follicles of my hair causing hair loss.

But that does not happen any more.

The baking soda solution that I pour onto my head neutralizes this substance. The solution has also a secondary task. It dissolves away chemical deposits left on my body by decades of prolonged use of shampoo and soap.

The result is a scalp that is healthy and a body that is clean. There is no more dandruff and no more unpleasant body odor. What makes me especially glad is that my hair remains where it should -- on my scalp.

More Health Benefits

If you have tasted saline solution then you are able make baking soda solution. Simply mix baking soda with enough filtered water so the mixture would taste like saline solution.

When my eye hurts, I would use the solution as eye drops. When my daughter had earwax problem I used it as earwax remover. It also works wonders for your digestion system. Baking soda is known to be an effective antacid that remedies indigestion and heartburn.

I always have some ready in a spray bottle. When my youngest daughter developed heat rash I sprayed some on the rash -- to see it diminished in matter of minutes. At one time she developed diaper rash so I sprayed the solution onto the rash before putting on her diaper. The next time we changed her diaper, the rash had disappeared almost completely.

Recently one family member developed a cavity at night. A mouth rinse with baking soda solution quieted the pain -- enough to send her sleeping like a baby without painkillers. For a healthy mouth, rinse always with the solution. It cures bad breath and neutralizes the acid produced by bacteria feeding on food particles in your mouth.

When one of my children developed eczema the doctor prescribed a type of steroid cream. The cream reduced the itchiness for several hours but it did not solve the problem. The cream had to be continually applied twice a day everyday. Otherwise the spot would become itchy and uncomfortable again.

Knowing the dangers of steroid, I tried experimenting with other alternatives. Things changed for the better when I tried spraying the eczema with baking soda solution. Now she does not have eczema anymore. Nor does she need any steroid cream.

The list of health benefits of baking soda goes on and on. Give baking soda a try. I think you are going to appreciate it.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Japanese Office Diaper - 2


Saturday, 3 March 2012


LEAVE SOME COMMENTS TO LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! This guy Dick Masterson is the author of the book Men are Better than Women. Anyone on YouTube ever heard of this guy before now? If you have not, I urge you to read some of the entries on his website: He was on Dr. Phil a few months ago describing to the audience what it means to be a chauvinist. The look on the girls face in the audience when he tells her why he wouldn't date her is f*cking priceless. Please Digg this video Also, here is a link to his book: