Friday, 30 December 2011

Exclusive: Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds talk flirty about The Proposal

Sheena McGinley speaks with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds about their new movie The Proposal. For more see

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

How to Remove Sour Milk Smell

The odor of spoiled milk is traditionally very difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are some relatively simple and inexpensive solutions. The sooner you clean the smelly spot, the greater your chances of restoring a fresh scent to your room, house, refrigerator and house-on-wheels.

Aside from that, the smell of spoiled milk can be quite hard to remove on your clothes, especially your baby's clothes, since babies have frequent access to milk and are most likely to spill milk on their clothes.

Baby clothes can be expensive and the kids grow out of them before they can possibly wear them. Often these adorable little outfits are passed on to another child; however, even though they are in good shape, they still have that telltale odor of spoiled milk that is almost impossible to get rid of. As always, there are ways around this dilemma.

Sour Milk Smell Removal

Avoid spilling milk if you can. Also, do not cry over the spilled milk if you indeed spilled it anyway. Do something about it instead.

* To remove stale milk smells, you first need to remove all the spilled stale milk. Use warm soapy water and perhaps some washing up liquid and clean up the affected area thoroughly first.

* After the mess has been cleared up, soak the area in white vinegar and mop up with paper towels. Put up with vinegary smell for about a week and after that, not a sign of vinegar smell or that horrible milk odor will remain.

* You can use an air freshener in the affected car to ensure a pleasant smell. Just try to let it dry for as long as possible. Soon, the milk smell will have disappeared from your surroundings.

* Use a commercial leather cleaner and odor eliminator on the leather upholstery of your car. Your dealer may carry these products. Allow the area to dry completely: residual moisture can cause mildew. Use a hair dryer or fan if necessary, being careful not to scorch carpet fibers with the hair dryer.

* You can also pour baking soda over the area where milk is spilled. Sprinkle some cold water on top of the baking soda and let it stand overnight. You can vacuum it the next day to remove the residue. If the smell still remains, you can try treating it with an enzyme odor remover.

* Take a bottle of club soda, stick your finger inside and shake to get a fizz going. With your finger still in bottle, spray on the stinky milk stain. Get it wet but not soaking. The smell might be worse at first but that it will go away as the whole thing dries unlike the untreated milk odor, which will only worsen as time passes by.

* You can also use brake cleaner if you're particularly desperate, but use it moderately and only on carpets, rugs or hard surfaces. Just put a small dab on a clean cloth, blot the milk stain and rinse with soap and water.

If it's baby clothes that are affected by the milk stench, then you could do the following: Fill the washing machine with hot water. Fill it at least high enough for a medium load. Add a cup of laundry detergent with one cup of dish washing detergent. Run the machine for a few minutes to mix the combination well. Turn the washing machine off.

Put the smelly baby clothes in the solution in the machine and leave them there. Let them soak overnight in the solution. Then, In the morning turn the washing machine on and let the clothes run through a full cycle. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar is the choice product for general bad odor removal.

Finally, add a second rinse cycle to make certain that all the detergent residue gets rinsed out of the clothes. The baby's clothes, as well as your clothes, if you've tried this method on those as well, will be smelling fresh and clean by the end of the process so be proud of your work.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Budget Friendly Halloween Costumes observing you, children learn how to create and they learn craft. These powerful memories imprint a more important message. They come to understand the superiority of the creative tightwad method. - Amy Dacyczyn, a.k.a. The Frugal Zealot

Halloween costumes are so different today. Super heroes, wizards, and cartoon characters rule the trick or treat. It was not too long ago.....ok it was maybe a while ago......when I was a small trick or treater that costumes were much more original.

You were not likely to bump into three or four other characters that looked exactly like you. Oh, you might run into a costume of the same theme, but it would be totally unique by comparison. Of course my mom created our Halloween costumes. You can create unique Halloween costumes and save money by recycling items.

Create your own unique costumes. Remember that Halloween costumes exaggerate to be most effective. So the more accessories, the better. Some easy to make costumes using items around the house, borrowed from friends and/or relatives, or purchased for next to nothing at your local thrift store include:

The little old lady or man - dress accordingly in an older man's (a suit is great) or woman's clothing. A hat is a nice touch. If you don't have a real walking cane you can substitute an appropriate size stick. Add some creative face painting with lots of wrinkles of course. Be sure to add the cracking voice and a prominent limp.
The Hobo - Recycle some unwanted clothing. Paint on or put on patches, rip some areas (especially around the bottoms of pants, ends of sleeves, elbows and knees, since these areas show wear first). Use black or brown makeup to smudge the face a little to look un-kept. Blush the nose to look a little reddish. (hobos get cold outside) Sport the oldest pair of worn looking shoes you can find (or even better, two different shoes) and a tattered hat and you're good to go!
Princess - This is a timeless costume. I think every little girl wants to be a princess at least once. But don't rush out and buy the frilliest costume you see. The princess is merely an expression of elegance. As long as your little girl feels elegant she is a princess. If you don't already have a full length fancy party dress, check the thrift store for a low cost floor length party dress. Just pick one that looks "princessy." Even better, borrow one if possible.

A princess wand can be easily made with a dowel or stick and a cardboard star covered with foil. Add frills with duster feathers or ribbons if desired. Make a crown. You can easily make one using a headband and craft materials. Here's a great tip: Recycle a Burger King Crown. You know the crowns they give out to all the little kiddies at Burger King. You can cover with foil or paint and add beads or gemstones to decorate. They also make a great pattern for a crown if you want to create it out of some other material you have.

Animals: For toddlers: Use one piece pajamas as a starting point. An extra bonus: the pajamas are warm clothing for what is typically a cool weather night in many areas. For example.. a fuzzy white, brown, black, or even pink footed pajama can easily become a kitten, rabbit, or dog. Add a home made tail using scrap fabrics (attach with safety pin), a headband with the appropriate ears attached, or if you use a hooded outfit attach ears directly to hood), some creative face painting using home made face paint (below), and you've got a cute little costume that can be used as a comfy outfit after trick or treat!

For older children use tights or stretch pants, and turtleneck shirts, sweaters, hooded sweatshirts all in the desired color instead of the pajamas. Use desired color of mittens or gloves for paws. Bats, lions, tigers, even a skunk can be created in much the same way as the above animals!

Halloween Costume Recycling Tip: Remove the stuffing from an unwanted large stuffed animal (through a cut slit down back), launder, and use sections of fabic for costume. Or, cut a hole for the face and your toddler may be small enough to fit right in and use for hooded costume.

The Big Baby: This is an amusing costume for an older child. Return to the diaper zone! A bottle or pacifier, a bib, a homemade cloth diaper (over tights or pants of course), and a rattle. Add some rosy cheeks and your youngster will be ready to laugh (or cry) his/her way through trick or treat.
The Graduate - Have an old graduation cap and gown? If it doesn't hold too much sentimental value, you can use it to create a very simple, easy, costume. Create a fake diploma and drape it from the waist tied by a string or yarn of same color or wear like a necklace. You don't want the trick or treater to have to carry it. I've discovered these types of accessories usually end up in Mom's or Dad's hands to carry after a short time.

Halloween Costume Recycling Tip: Any discarded or unwanted work uniform (nursing, military, fireman, policeman) can be used as a Halloween costume.

The Witch - A long black dress or all over black pants with black top can be combined with a witch hat and black cape(make your own if you're crafty). Add black boots and make up face to suit.
Scarecrow - cut up some old jeans and a flannel shirt in scarecrow fashion. Cut sleeve ends and pants leg ends in strips to look tattered. Use straw or an old straw broom's bristles and glue or tape along inside edges of sleeves, pants legs, along bottom of shirt to appear as if bursting out of the scarecrow. Add a straw hat.

These are all good halloween costume ideas and I'm sure you get the picture by now. The idea is to use as many items as you have on hand to create these timeless Halloween costumes. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Don't let that little girl cry because you can't find her the purrrrrrrrrrr-fect cat costume. You can create a much nicer one from everyday items and a few craft materials. Chances are it will look more realistic than that store bought costume. As a bonus, many of the costume pieces (i.e. shirts, pants, tights, gloves/mittens) are reusable after Halloween!

A few other Halloween tips:

1. Use spray paints or craft paints. fabric dye, fabric paints and/or pens, to color recycled items to desired color. One year I used silver spray paint to color and entire outfit for my son's tin man costume. We recycled aluminum foil to use in making the hat and the axe. Some silver body glitter on the hands and face put the finishing touches on this costume!

2. Use regular clothing to create an all-over color effect as with the animal costumes.

3. Consider mittens or gloves when you need hand color

4. A gallon ice cream bucket w/handle makes a perfect trick or treat bucket. I save these throughout the year and recycle for hundreds of other uses. Use neon paint or stickers to add bright decorations. This is a good safety technique to make kids more visible while trick or treating

5. Make your own face paint: You will need Corn starch, Water, Cold cream, and Food coloring.

Use several different cups (custard cups, recycled single serve yogurt or Jell-O containers, a foam egg carton) Prepare 1 tsp cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon each of cold cream and water. Mix different color food coloring in each cup for desired colors

Make your own cream make up:

2 tsp white shortening

5 tsp corn starch

1 tsp white all purpose flour

glycerin (get at drug store)

Food coloring as desired

To make enough for one child's face - Use a rubber spatula, blend the first three ingredients until a smooth paste forms. Add 3/4 drops glycerin for a creamier consistency. Add coloring if desired one drop at a time blending after each drop until you have the desired shade. For easy removal use shortening, cold cream or baby oil.

Remember your Halloween safety. Here are a few, but certainly not all inclusive, reminders of safe trick or treat rules.

1. Small children should always be accompanied by an adult.

2. Use flashlights, bright costumes or decorations to make trick or treaters more visible.

3. Try to frequent the same limited area each year or limit visits to friends and families.

4. Remind children not to eat candy until they get home and have moms and dads check and approve.

5. A safe costume should not block or restrict a child's vision or interfere with mobility. Make sure costumes are of a safe length so as not to trip the child.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Celebrity Dads Give Push Presents; Get in on the Trend

Rich celebrities are accustomed to being gifted with expensive jewelry, and the trend extends to the day they give birth. Case in point: Pierce Brosnan gave wife Keely three gold and diamond bracelets when their son Paris was born. Ben Affleck presented wife Jennifer Garner with pricey purple jewelry after she delivered daughter Violet (which the unfussy and practical Mrs. Affleck reportedly made him return). Sarah Jessica Parker got a gorgeous charm bracelet from hubby Matthew Broderick when son James made his debut. Other celeb dads celebrate the arrival of their new babies by buying their wives and girlfriends expensive bling such as diamond rings, diamond earrings, pearl necklaces, pearl earrings, and jewelry made with their baby's birthstone.

Up until a few years ago, these "push presents,"--so named because they're tokens of appreciation for labor--were news to me. All I got when I delivered my son son. Not to say that I'm not immensely grateful; he's my pride and joy. But a nice pair of diamond studs or a pearl cocktail ring, say, to show me that my husband appreciated my months of hard pregnancy and hours of even harder labor would have been "ice" on the cake.

What made the lack of gift worse was that many of my girlfriends got stunning jewelry from their thoughtful and grateful husbands. My favorites were a pearl bracelet, sapphire and diamond earrings, a diamond and yellow gold band, and a princess cut yellow diamond ring.

Poor dear, my husband didn't know it was done.

Apparently, he's not alone. In researching this article, I sent a query to all the guys on my e-mail list (whose wives can thank me later). In addition to wanting to know if they knew what a push present was, I also wanted know if they thought the idea was touching or silly. Did it put pressure on them? Was it just another damn thing they'd have to spend money on?

Naturally, the feedback I got was as varied as the guys on my e-mail list, which includes my boss, my trainer at the gym, my brother, my best friend's brother, my neighbors, my co-workers, and my dentist, to name a few.

First, for the sweet:
From Dave: "Yes, I gave my wife a gift. I didn't feel pressured. She deserved it and more."

From John: "I did buy my wife a charm bracelet after our daughter Lindsay was born. It had charms on it for both of our daughters."

From Taylor: "Yes, I bought my wife gifts both times in addition to flowers. The first time was a cultured pearl necklace (like she needs more jewelry). The last was a Kate Spade diaper bag."

From Wayne, father of four: "Maybe for one or two, certainly not all four." [I certainly remember: Wayne's wife, my friend Sandy, was the recipient of the highly coveted and aforementioned sapphire and diamond earrings.]

From Howie: "Considering my wife had a C-section with both girls, is there a cut present?" [Actually, there is, and it's called a 'cut your guts out' present. My friend's daughter Nicole got a sterling silver bracelet from her husband for her efforts].
"I gave my wife a birthstone for each girl, but forget the 'push present' idea. Those nine months are the easy part. It's for the 18 years afterwards that you have to give your wife the gifts! Honestly, those two girls can scream!"

Dennis: "Funny, before my wife was pregnant I never head of a push present. My buddy and his wife had a baby four months before us and his wife was sure to tell my wife about this gift thing. It's not that I wouldn't have gotten my wife and mother of my son a great gift, but it was put into the realm of 'did your husband get you a diamond bracelet?' type thing. It goes to show that keeping up with the Joneses makes some folks do things they might not otherwise do." [OK, maybe this answer doesn't technically fall under the sweet category as it's got some ambivalence tossed in.]

"Not sure spending thousands on a gift is the best thing for the new family. Was this gift idea created by the diamond companies? So, yes, I did get my wife a gift. Before I'd even heard of a push present, I had my son's birthstone set in a ring and necklace."

From Paul: "I gave her a day at the spa."

From Derek, "I gave her a Tiffany ring because it was a nice thing to do, I'd heard, and because she deserves it."

Now, for the incensed:

From Ben: "No, I didn't get my wife a push gift. The only thing on my mind was making sure all the important stuff was taken care of. To add something so stupid on top of this earth-shattering event is ridiculous. The special gift is the gift of life and the creation of a human being. Now when I look back at those times I wouldn't' even recall the insignificant gift. Sounds like some baloney cooked up by a jewelers' association."

From Steve: "I agreed to fund the kids for 22 years each. That was my gift."

Peter L: "Not a big fan of the push present. A woman gives birth to a child and now she expects a gift??? While I have absolutely no idea what it's like to be pregnant, I don't know of any woman who has regretted it. The whole expensive jewelry thing doesn't sit well with me. That's what birthdays and anniversaries are for." [Thank God I didn't marry Peter, not that he asked.]

From Dave H: When Meryl was born I gave my wife a new bike chain for her road bike ($60 value) and installed it for her (free of charge.) It was the least I could do, since I had taken the chains off of all of her bikes around the end of month seven when she refused to give up riding. She promptly began riding two weeks after popping out our kid and since she was lighter than what she was used to, she could climb hills faster than I could. The good news is that she's now four months pregnant and she's slowing down more and more by the day, which enables me to seem faster."

And last but not least, the clueless:

Peter C: "Can't remember but I'm sure I gave something."

Matt: "Oops, was I supposed to give something? Why doesn't anybody let us know these things?

Jim: "Color me thoughtless. It never occurred to me."

John S: "I must be a bad husband. Three kids in four years and I didn't get Kim a gift for any of them!"

What's a guy to do?

Whether you agree with the sweethearts, the cads, or whether you're one of the clueless, consider yourself duly informed, and remember that nine months of pregnancy topped off by excruciatingly painful labor (not to mention sore nipples) is no picnic. It's always nice to be appreciated, especially when you're a new mom, and your hormones are screaming what the heck have I done??? I used to be a sexy, carefree vixen, for Pete's sake!!!
What's more, the jewelry you give your child's mother can be passed down to that child when he or she marries or turns 21, say. Best of all, you don't have to spend thousands. Many quality jewelry pieces are just as affordable as they are sentimental.

To help you get started, here are my favorite push presents:

o Pearl studs: Timeless and elegant, pearl studs go perfectly with bathrobes and spit-up. Plus, high quality freshwater cultured pearl studs cost as little as $30 or $40 a pair.

o Diamond studs: A little pricier than pearl earrings, sure, but diamond studs are a jewelry staple. That means your efforts won't be in vain; these sparklers will get a ton of use. And you can have a nice pair for well under $500.

o Birthstone ring: Lots of options and price ranges here depending on the stone and the setting. (Leave out diamond accents and you probably won't break the bank.) Remember, an elegant ring can be handed down to your little one; so make sure you get something of good quality that won't tarnish.

o Nantucket Basket: A gorgeous gold basket pendant necklace that holds the birthstones of your children, the Nantucket Basket necklace is meant to be added to with subsequent births. You might find the necklace pricey, but once you buy the pendant all you have to do is add the birthstones for each subsequent child. (Push present out of the way forever.)

o Mother and child pendant: The sterling silver version of this sweet circle pendant can be had for less than $50.

o Charm bracelet: The sky's the limit here, but the initial investment shouldn't be too bad. Like the Nantucket basket, this piece can be added to on special occasions. Charms are priced all over the place; it's up to you what to spend. Baby birthstone booties are a favorite charm of new moms, though.

o Pearl strand: Traditional and classic, a pearl necklace is a gorgeous choice. If you have a baby girl, she can wear it in the future on her wedding day as her something borrowed and as a reminder of how much her mother means to you. If price is an issue, akoyas and freshwater cultured pearl strands are the way to go. Save the Tahitians and South Sea pearls for when your stock splits or your patent gets approved. You get the point.

Go Shopping!

Okay, future fathers, now that you know about push presents, there is no excuse not to get your children's mother a little (or big) token of your appreciation. And, no, you don't have to be rich and famous like Matt Damon or Michael Douglas, or blow future college savings. There are lots of affordable gift options that don't cost a bundle. Do a little research on the Internet and you can find unique and meaningful jewelry that fits your budget. (Just make sure to have it gift wrapped. We hate when you forget that.) And don't worry too much that we won't like it. It truly is the thought that counts. Not so sure? I'll let you in on a little secret: If you really want a foolproof way to be a hero in your wife's eyes, change a diaper once in a while!

See pearl jewelry push present ideas here.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Wearing diapers in public

It's true some people like me wear diapers in public. I'm wearing one of my favorites ( SECURE X PLUS ) diapers. ha,ha Notice I don't wear underwear.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

How to Find People With a Diaper Fetish

You want to know how to find people with a diaper fetish. There is a very simple system. It is usually possible to find partners in a matter of minutes who share this fetish with you.

Diaperism (otherwise known as diaper fetishism) is, of course, a type of sexual fetish that involves a person getting a sexual charge from wearing a diaper. It should not be confused with infantilism; although, sometimes, the two paraphilias do coincide.

Strangely enough, you will not find any dating sites devoted to this fetish. I say strange because this is a type of fetishism that has a popular following. Until continued demand encourages someone to create such a dating community, I can offer you a rather simple, yet highly effective little system to find local diaper partners.

You need to get a membership at any large adult dating community. The good news is most such sites offer free accounts to new members. Once you have joined, you then need to include your diaper fetish in your profile, and then do a search for other people who have mentioned it, likewise, in their profiles - which is how to find people with a diaper fetish.

When you search for local women, for instance, most big dating sites will allow you to type in certain words. When the software conducts the search, it will show you profiles that contain these words, giving you a list, in this case, of people who share your fetish for wearing diapers.

Friday, 16 December 2011

How I Met Your Mother - Neat and Discreet

Robin shoots a commercial for incontinence adult diapers, playing a nurse for the elderly to compete with her co-host, Becky

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Gorgeous Tall Women with Ordinary Short Men ... The best website in the world for tall women short men to meet each other. This dating network is a big player in the tall women short men movement which is becoming a big trend.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Assurance Pull-ups(adult diapers)

i have incontinence problems really bad during the daytime and night time. i would recommend using these for only daytime though. im a very heavy bedwetter and just ordered some tranquility atn. so im using the assurance diapers for daytime use only.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Lesbian attempting to change a diaper

Zen tries to change a baby boy's diaper

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Jerry Lentz on the Radio Station US97

Jerry Lentz on Radio Station US97 talks about girls in diapers, wiccans, satanists, Indian pornography, women who lie, tobacco spit, ultraviolence, news bloopers and more fun stuff! For more fun please visit: http

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Guilty Pleasures

DON'T LAUGH !!! :)) Video 4 of 15 ArmindaHeart's 15 video challenge! I tag you all!! Original Video: If you want to be a part of this challenge, please leave your videos as video responses to Arminda's :) 15 Video Challenge Topics 1. List your music library 2. Makeup and/or hair tutorial 3. "Outing" video 4. Your guilty pleasure (DONE) 5. Describe your personality in 60 seconds 6. Sing or lip synch or dance to a favorite song of yours - film it, of course! 7. Thoughts on ghosts/spirits 8. What are you good at? 9. Your "phobia" 10. Read/act a passage from your favorite book/poem 11. Your top 10 Hollywood hotties, 5 men and 5 women (try to put their pictures up so we can see!!) 12. Thrift store haul (show us what you purchased at a thrift store) 13. Describe what love is 14. Top 10 favorite movies 15. Where were you 10 years ago? Post a picture during that year.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

The Cure for Too Much Testosterone

Wall Street bankers went on a binge a few years ago that came within hours of bringing down the entire financial system and there's a strong argument to be made that the decisions that brought it to the brink had a lot to do with raging hormones.

The suits ignored the fundamentals and began a competition to see who could bench-press the most risk. It was like a testosterone DUI. They turned into a wild herd of Gordon Geckos, stampeding through the stock markets. The Gecko's kept raising the stakes and taking more chances until their 'hormone high' finally spiraled out of control and it all came crashing to the ground.

The testosterone junkies burned themselves out. They were literally spent and so it seems the cure for too much testosterone, is too much testosterone.

Now, balance is returning to the market place. Women, in case you haven't noticed, have been called in to clean up the mess. Clearly, it was time to put a little feminine energy into the system and restore the equilibrium.

The men who were flushed out of the system when that river of testosterone finally broke the dam, ended up at home caring family or entering "softer jobs." Clearly it was time for a little hormone reduction therapy.

Too Much Testosterone

Betty-Ann, have you been accidentally overdosing on your HRT meds?

Uh, no.

A study, just released by University of British Columbia, found CEO's with higher levels of testosterone will thump their chests and walk away from take-over offers even when those offers provide good value for their companies.

After studying 350 corporate deals, researchers concluded that higher than normal testosterone levels actually limited a CEO's willingness to negotiate.

A Sauder School of Business study, done previously, reached a similar conclusion. A group of men were asked to play a business game. Those with elevated testosterone levels went too far when trying to drive a hard bargain. They frequently rejected an offer of free money - saying it WAS TOO LOW!

What size suit does Tarzan wear?

And, another study at Cambridge University showed that traders with high testosterone levels indulged in "impulsive, sensation-seeking" behavior, which drove markets to unsustainable levels. Dr. John Coates, lead author of the Cambridge research study says, "rising levels of testosterone turns risk-taking into a form of addiction."

It is easy to conclude that the predatory practices of sub-prime lenders, corrupt rating agencies and laundering of risky mortgages, could have been avoided with more women on Wall Street.

Women are the Antidote

Michael Ferrary published research in CERAM, the leading French Business School, found companies with a higher ratio of women in top management showed better resistance to the financial crisis.

He comes to the conclusion that, "the feminization of management seems to be a protection against the financial crisis."

In Iceland, where too much testosterone brought the banks to their knees, two women have been appointed to restore financial stability to the nation.

Male bankers took such wild risks that three banks had to be nationalized to save them from collapse and maintain Iceland's place in the foreign exchange markets.

The women in charge now are avoiding complex, incomprehensible financial instruments and making reasoned, rational investments that people can actually understand.

And in the US, President Obama put a woman in charge and appointed Mary Shapiro to oversee the very troubled Security and Exchange Commission.

The New Macho

An article in the Sept 27, 2010 issue of Newsweek suggests that survival for men today depends on embracing "girly jobs and dirty diapers."

Over the last 30 years, the North American economy has moved from brawn to brain (the construction business declined while computer-use increased). Many of the jobs traditionally held by men have moved offshore (note the decline of the US car manufacturing industry).

Accompanying this is larger numbers of women in the workforce.

Newsweek magazine says men must "re-imagine masculinity" and expand their expectations for home as well as work. Men need to take teaching, nursing or social service jobs.

In addition to being a "nurturing professional," everyone will benefit when men spend more time parenting. Increasingly, men expect to do it as their partners expect it of them and society will expect this new more balanced male to be the new macho as well!

Testosterone is a commodity

When I worked at PotashCorp, we used to say that the "cure for low prices is low prices." So when prices got low, high-cost production shut down. The markets tightened and prices went up.

I know that guys think their testosterone is precious but you can have too much of a good thing. I hate to burst their bubble, but testosterone is just like any other commodity that is currently undergoing a market correction!