Have you ever looked at your wardrobe closely? Have you really analysed all the pieces of clothing that you own? Have you ever given a consideration to the % of clothing that you actually wear on a day to day basis? This may come as a bit of a surprise to you but the majority of people wear only 5% of the clothing that they own. That means that a lot of the clothes that people wear things that they really love and always want to wear. People just keep wearing these few pieces of clothing and usually ignore all the crap that they have. This is something to consider here, and something that people really need to look at. If we only wear a max of 5% of the clothing that we own, then why do we waste a lot of money every single year on low quality crap that we neither wear or particularly like. The problem is that most people think that they should spend the money that they earn on things that they don't really need.
But imagine a reality where all the pieces of clothing that a person purchased were very high quality and items that they loved. Items that they wanted to wear every single day and loved to wear all the time. Items that made head turn on the street. Items that people wanted to know where they were purchased. This is a life that a lot of people live and something that everyone should be supporting.
Really what you need to do is stop and stop now. Stop where you are and stop consuming and purchasing all the crappy clothing that you keep on buying. You need to stop buying clothing based on your impulses and start looking for those few pieces that you really adore and you will find yourself wanting to buy again and again.
Next you want to throw or donate all the crappy pieces of clothing that you own. You are really going to be suppressed by how much crap you really do own. You will after completing this task find that you only have a few pieces of quality items left on your clothes rack. This should make you feel great knowing that every single day you are going to be wearing clothing that you adore and want to wear.
Its as simple as that, and really the only sensible way you should be viewing your clothing. Few items of very high quality over many items of low quality junk.